NSW Birth Trauma


NSW Birth Trauma


The NSW Government has established a select committee to conduct an inquiry into birth trauma in New South Wales which is being held in Wollongong on 7 September 2023.

As a Plaintiff personal injuries firm, it is not uncommon for us to see women at the end of their antenatal and birth journey suffering from the effects of birth trauma – sometimes aggrieved by the emotional toll their experiences took and others living with the physical effects of what ought to have been avoidable in our medical system.

We are hopeful that the Inquiry will identify some of the common causes of birth trauma we see in our practice: Insufficient contact with midwives and obstetric staff on presentation for labour, insufficient monitoring during labour and issues surrounding the escalation of care if labour isn’t proceeding as expected.

Should you require assistance or have experienced birth trauma please contact us.




The NSW Government has established a select committee to conduct an inquiry into birth trauma in New South Wales.

The terms of reference for the Inquiry include:
a.  The experience and prevalence of birth trauma (whether that trauma arises from physical trauma suffered or other trauma arising from “obstetric violence”).1
b.  The causes and factors influencing birth trauma.
c.  The physical, emotional, psychological and economic impacts of birth trauma.
d.  Exacerbating factors in delivering and accessing maternity care which impacts on birth trauma (for example location factors, social factors & demographics)
e.  The role and importance of “informed choice” in maternity care
f.   Barriers to the provision of “continuity of care” in maternity care
g.  The information available to patients regarding care options
h.  Whether current legal and regulatory settings are sufficient to protect women from experiencing birth trauma.
i.   Any legislative, policy or other reforms likely to prevent birth trauma
j.   Any other related matters.

As a Plaintiff personal injuries firm, it is not uncommon for us to see women at the end of their antenatal and birth journey suffering from the effects of birth trauma – sometimes aggrieved by the emotional toll their experiences took and others living with the physical effects of what ought to have been avoidable in our medical system.

We are hopeful that the Inquiry will identify some of the common causes of birth trauma we see in our practice: Insufficient contact with midwives and obstetric staff on presentation for labour, insufficient monitoring during labour and issues surrounding the escalation of care if labour isn’t proceeding as expected.
The inquiry currently has four hearing dates listed:

  • 4 September 2023 at Sydney
  • 7 September 2023 at Wollongong
  • 8 September 2023 at Wagga Wagga
  • 9 October 2023 at Sydney

The nomination of two Hearing dates outside Sydney Metro provides promising signs that the Inquiry will hear from people in the regions (both service providers and recipients) about this increasing issue in places where it can be more prevalent.

Melinda Griffiths Lawyers will provide pro-bono legal assistance to any persons called to give evidence to the inquiry or who are called provide further submissions for consideration for the Inquiry in their personal capacity.

With a reporting date of 1 February 2024, the Inquiry should provide recommendations promptly which will hopefully led to expedited improvements in these services.

Requests for assistance or any questions regarding this release can be directed to the following contacts:

Melinda Griffiths                                                                            Adam Clements
Director and Principal Lawyer                                                     Associate Lawyer
melinda@melindagriffithslawyers.com.au                               adam@melindagriffithslawyers.com.au
0412 410 195                                                                                 0242262640


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